Dhamma Teachings #1 |
Dhamma Talks at or for Mediation Centres / Meditation Groups
by Ajahn Achalo
1.21 - Mindful birth, life and death - with Q and A
1.21 - Mindful birth, life and death - with Q and A
(At Bodhikusuma Sydney) 20 August 2024 Questions are précised.
Q1 - Living in a city, even without TV and social media, I still struggle with the challenge of sensual desire. How do I navigate that? |
Q2 - When we get close to death, perhaps with a terminal disease or in old age, does Theravada have some practices that can be used at such a time?
Q3 - How might we use practice to deal with a friend who commits suicide?
Q4 - We assume we, and people around us, will live a long life and we often fear their deaths. Can you offer some thoughts about this please?
Q3 - How might we use practice to deal with a friend who commits suicide?
Q4 - We assume we, and people around us, will live a long life and we often fear their deaths. Can you offer some thoughts about this please?
1.20 - Q and A at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage
Q and A at Dhammagiri in Brisbane
11 August 2024 Q1 - Please explain what it means to not be attached to rights and rituals.
Q2 - You were talking about wisdom. Could you say more about this please? Q3 – About abandoning in the Second Noble Truth. It has a connotation of pushing something away. |
1.19 - The Power of Kindness and Compassion
An online talk to the Metta Centre in Sydney Australia, March 13, 2024
1.18 - The Four Brahmavihara as a support to mental cultivation
A talk with Q&A at the IBSC's Annual Meditation Retreat at Khao Kho - 30 November 2023
Q1 Our practice is about overcoming the 10 kilesas. Can you give a definition and explanation about these and the dark mental impurities? |
Q2 (a) Is it possible to gain enlightenment through the brama viharas without practicing vipassana? (b) Is there a practice of mahakaruna and mahamaitri in this tradition?
Q3 What is more important in life, maha sangha or kaliyanamita?
Q4 Sometimes when I sit I have pain that disturbs the mindfulness and sometimes I can no longer observe the pain. Then I use metta but sometimes I cannot even practice metta and I want to change the posture. Can you say what is the best way to practice to cultivate mindfulness when there is pain.
Q5 Regarding metta, I have understood that if we cannot cultivate peace and loving kindness in our mind, then we cannot spread it to others. When our parents face economic problems they may not be able to cultivate peace and loving kindness. However, they do want their children who may be living far away to have peace and to be free from danger. Is this wish also a practice of metta that can help?
Q3 What is more important in life, maha sangha or kaliyanamita?
Q4 Sometimes when I sit I have pain that disturbs the mindfulness and sometimes I can no longer observe the pain. Then I use metta but sometimes I cannot even practice metta and I want to change the posture. Can you say what is the best way to practice to cultivate mindfulness when there is pain.
Q5 Regarding metta, I have understood that if we cannot cultivate peace and loving kindness in our mind, then we cannot spread it to others. When our parents face economic problems they may not be able to cultivate peace and loving kindness. However, they do want their children who may be living far away to have peace and to be free from danger. Is this wish also a practice of metta that can help?
1.17 - Kathina talk to Malaysian Singaporean group
Kathina talk to Malaysian Singaporean group
- 11 November 2023 |
1.16 - Patience in the Pali Buddhist Teaching
Patience in the Pali Buddhist teaching with a special reference to the Visuddhimagga -
A presentation to the Pāli & Sanskrit International Buddhist Community - 17 June 2023 |
1.15 - Daily Devotion and Discipline
Daily Devotion and Discipline -
A talk hosted in Singapore - 07 May 2023 |
Q&A Singapore - 07 May 2023
Q1: If experienced meditators can control their entry into jhana at the time of death, does it mean they can choose their rebirth? Q2: When we transfer merit, does it really work given what the Buddha said about being the owner and benefactor of our kamma? |
Q3: Should we practice differently before we sleep and how? How can I deal with sloth and torpor?
Q4: What is the best thing to say to a loved one who is dying?
Q5: How do you know you are practicing well and yet encouraging yourself to commit to the practice? Is meditation always about the breath?
Q4: What is the best thing to say to a loved one who is dying?
Q5: How do you know you are practicing well and yet encouraging yourself to commit to the practice? Is meditation always about the breath?
1.14 - Breath Meditation for Liberation
Breath Meditation for Liberation -
A talk hosted in Singapore - 06 May 2023 |
Q&A Singapore - 06 May 2023
Q1: As I’ve grown older I feel very attached to my parents. How can I overcome this? Q2: Can you offer some guidance about the use of a cushion please? Q3: What time of the morning would you suggest for meditation? |
Q4: Often when we sit we tend to slouch. Are we supposed to be mindful of our back and keep it straight?
Q5: Can you explain what are vipassana and yoniso manasikara?
Q6: In the six elements chant, space is mentioned. Can you elaborate on what is meant by that?
Q7: I’d like to understand the difference between samatha and samadhi better.
Q8: When we are doing body contemplation, is it to think? For example about our hair turning white. Are we actually meditating at the same time?
Q9: In the anapanasati sutta, what is meant by gladdening the mind?
Q10: If energy is low with illness and fatigue, how do we press on to have a daily practice?
Q11: During meditation I feel myself in an empty room and feel lost as there is nothing in the room. Is this normal?
Q12: In your earlier sharing about a Thai person who died, and then was seen in his house again on the second day, was that a rebirth?
Q13: Can you share any comment about your receptiveness to all the main schools of Buddhism?
Q14: Is it right view to try not to incur the wrath of any one or not to make ourselves angry?
Q15: How can we stop rebirth?
Q16: As parents, how do we balance and manage our parental roles with [the need for] detachment?
Q17: During meditation, how do we handle the problems of itchiness and pain? Do we need just to endure it?
Q5: Can you explain what are vipassana and yoniso manasikara?
Q6: In the six elements chant, space is mentioned. Can you elaborate on what is meant by that?
Q7: I’d like to understand the difference between samatha and samadhi better.
Q8: When we are doing body contemplation, is it to think? For example about our hair turning white. Are we actually meditating at the same time?
Q9: In the anapanasati sutta, what is meant by gladdening the mind?
Q10: If energy is low with illness and fatigue, how do we press on to have a daily practice?
Q11: During meditation I feel myself in an empty room and feel lost as there is nothing in the room. Is this normal?
Q12: In your earlier sharing about a Thai person who died, and then was seen in his house again on the second day, was that a rebirth?
Q13: Can you share any comment about your receptiveness to all the main schools of Buddhism?
Q14: Is it right view to try not to incur the wrath of any one or not to make ourselves angry?
Q15: How can we stop rebirth?
Q16: As parents, how do we balance and manage our parental roles with [the need for] detachment?
Q17: During meditation, how do we handle the problems of itchiness and pain? Do we need just to endure it?
1.13 - Increasing Determination
Increasing Determination -
An online Dhamma talk - 01 March 2023 |
Consistent Commitment increases Capability -
A dhamma talk and Q&A to a Canadian group in Toronto Q1: We all often slip in the practice. What is the best way to get back into it?
Q2: How can we maintain mindfulness when we don’t accomplish what you set out to do? How can we not let that frustration set us further back? |
Q3: I’ve noticed a real cultural difference between the East and the West in the sense of guilt and shame. Can you comment?
Q4: During meditation what should I do to control my thoughts?
Q4: During meditation what should I do to control my thoughts?
1.12 - Ajahn Achalo at Bodhgaya 2022
Ajahn gives a dhamma talk and answers questions at the 17th International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony.
- 04 December 2022
Q1: On retreat I can sit for about 45 minutes before I have to move, but outslde retreat, I can sit still for only about 20-25 minutes. Can you advise me please? |
Q2: Can you clarify please – I read a translation that says one mark of awareness is “holding”. But my experience is that it is discernment or acknowledgement that is a mark.
Q3: I have read the word “feeling” being applied to the body and also “feeling” applied to the mind. But my understanding is that feeling is in the mind only and what the body experiences in called a sensation, not a feeling. Can you clarify this?
Q4: Why is “form” included in the 5 kandas / skandas? It seems I experience “feeling”, not form.
Q5: Can you please describe the 37 path factors? (Ajahn says he will address it in his talk on Dec 8th).
Q6: Regarding attachment, how can we relinquish attachments when we also want to live in a state of love and compassion with others? Is there not a conflict there?
Q7: We do meditation to empty our minds, but can we live in this world with an empty mind?
Q8: I am new at this and struggle to conduct a practice and not being imposed on by kalyanamitta who advise me not to meditate but only to serve.
Q9: (in view of your answer) Should we then practice alone and not have kalyanamitta? What is sangha then?
Q10: Is consciousness really conscious in itself or is it dependent?
Q3: I have read the word “feeling” being applied to the body and also “feeling” applied to the mind. But my understanding is that feeling is in the mind only and what the body experiences in called a sensation, not a feeling. Can you clarify this?
Q4: Why is “form” included in the 5 kandas / skandas? It seems I experience “feeling”, not form.
Q5: Can you please describe the 37 path factors? (Ajahn says he will address it in his talk on Dec 8th).
Q6: Regarding attachment, how can we relinquish attachments when we also want to live in a state of love and compassion with others? Is there not a conflict there?
Q7: We do meditation to empty our minds, but can we live in this world with an empty mind?
Q8: I am new at this and struggle to conduct a practice and not being imposed on by kalyanamitta who advise me not to meditate but only to serve.
Q9: (in view of your answer) Should we then practice alone and not have kalyanamitta? What is sangha then?
Q10: Is consciousness really conscious in itself or is it dependent?