Collection #7 |
Interesting Miscellaneous Talks
This Collection contains ‘Interesting Miscellaneous Talks.’ Sometimes in the course of teaching a meditation retreat, as well as giving formal instructions on specific themes, at times it seems appropriate to offer some uplifting or ‘interesting’ reflections which serve to uplift or broaden people’s horizons. Some talks are both a meditation and a contemplation which simply doesn’t fit squarely into one category. Other more autobiographical reflections illustrate various themes by way of personal example, but once again do nor fit neatly into a formal category. Thus we have this Collection. I hope that something contained here may prove both helpful and interesting.
(Ajahn Achalo)
Interesting Miscellaneous Talks
1 - Perform the Greatest miracle within
2 - Where Did You First Encounter Buddhism (Melbourne Retreat, April/May 2016)
3 - Why some Celestial beings envy humans
4 - Harmonising outer activities and inner qualities – leading to Liberation
5 - Belief in Rebirth is Skilful and Motivating
6 - Practicing with a Broken Heart
7 - Uplifting and 'Interesting' true stories of a Buddhist Monk
8 - What is a Buddha, Arahant, Bodhisatta, Liberation, Enlightenment
9 - Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Meditation with encouragement (Bodhgaya, Bihar 2016)
10 - Gratitude and Appreciation for the Three Jewels of Refuge (November 2015)
Kathina Ceremony 2018
11 - Mindfulness Based Delusion Reduction (Kathina Talk 2018)
More Talks
12 - At Nanachat Heroic Effort Nurtured With Love
13 - Increasing Commitment - with love and patience for growing pains
14 - The Greatest Heroes that Ever Lived - Talk at The Bodhi Tree
15 - Practice Develops Qualities - a Refuge in the Heart
16 - Practice makes Perfect - Fire sermon with Commentary
17 - The Bliss of Emptiness - Understanding the Goal
18 - Growing a Strong Practice from Deep Roots - Sri Lanka #1
'Not-Self' – Workshop
19 - Contemplating Not-Self with Compassion
20 - Contemplating Not-Self with Firm Resolve
Other Talks
21 - Rapture Tranquillity Radiance Peace Insight
22 - Kathina Talk, English - 2019