Dhamma Talks, Readings and Guided Meditations
Presented by
Ajahn Achalo Bhikkhu
Presented by
Ajahn Achalo Bhikkhu
This website has been created to be an easy to use resource for people with a sincere interest in meditation. You will find several meditation practices presented here in the form of step by step 'Guided Meditations.' There are also readings from Buddhist suttas and excerpts from the Dhamma Talks of contemporary meditation masters.
These resources help us to see the meditation practices in a wise and balanced perspective. |
Who these teachings and meditations are intended for, what is presented and how you may relate to it.
Ajahn Achalo, the Abbot of Anandagiri Forest Monastery in Thailand and presenter of these works.
Livestream recordings on Zoom with details of topics and questions from meetings over the last six months.
Watch recordings of Dhamma Talks by Ajahn Achalo to groups, also on retreat, and other presentations.
A compilation of nine audio Collections with talks and guided meditations from 2007-2019.
Devotional chanting, some originally for CD and now available here along with Formal Pali Chanting.
Slideshows and albums of the building of a monastery, monks on the Alms-round, India Pilgrimage, and more.
Anandagiri Forest Monastery, about the monastery, it's formation, growth and development.
How to express an interest in supporting one or more projects at Anandagiri Forest Monastery
Les Translations en FrançaisUne sélection d'enseignements et de méditations guidées en Français
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