Audio Collection #9 |
Cultivating Genuine, Deep and Vast Compassion
Both the theme and quality of Compassion are so rich and powerful that it seems appropriate to reserve an entire Collection for this subject, for Compassion can be many things. A quality… an emotion… an attitude… a pure form of 'collectedness' or concentration… as well as an indomitable force of Transformation.
This Talk is the first of two-parts, and the guided meditation is the first of three. For as well as this initial basic practice, we will soon be adding both an intermediate and advanced Compassion Guided Meditation. Other meditations which touch in this theme have also been included here. I actually composed these talks and then recorded them in my monks kuti, rather than 'winging it' during a retreat or while on pilgrimage, as there were many things to cover and I wanted to be sure to include as much as I could. The talks touch on many things, from the cosmological and esoteric, the path and process of purification of mind, as well as the nitty gritty of integrating Compassion into our daily lives. The content is so rich engaging and interesting in fact, that it may be worth listening through a few times. So I sincerely hope that these talks and meditations will be of benefit to you wherever you are now. (Ajahn Achalo)
Cultivating Genuine, Deep and Vast Compassion
Cultivating Deep Compassion - Talk part 2
Cultivating Deep Compassion - Talk part 1
Cultivating Deep Compassion - Meditation #3 (advanced)
Cultivating Deep Compassion - Meditation #2 (intermediate)
Cultivating Deep Compassion - Meditation #1 (foundation)
Receiving Kwan Yin Bodhisattva's Blessings
Devanussati Meditation (August 2016)
Holding The Entire World With Loving-kindness (August 2016)