B.U.B.S. Retreat 2024 |
6.01 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 1
Session 1: Sila with Guided Meditation
6.02 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Evening Talk
Evening Dhamma Talk at BUBS
6.03 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 2
Session 2: A Bright and Glad Mind as Foundation for Insight
6.04 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 3
Session 3: The Five Hindrances, Five Powers
6.05 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 4
Session 4: Q&A
Q1 How do we identify the breath energy? What does it look and feel like?
Q2 I notice that my mind tends to go towards negative thoughts in meditation rather than positive ones. Why and how to overcome this? |
Q3 We practice noble silence but it's the physical level of speech not at the mind level. The chatter goes on and on. What is the best way to tame this?
Q4 What is access concentration?
Q5 What is best way to tame the chattering mind?
Q6 What is access concentration? Once we reach this stage, what shall we work on?
Q6 During lying down meditation I experienced rapture.
Q7 [Yogi describes experience of metta meditation.] Can you tell me why this happened?
Q8 How can I overcome the habit of compulsively lying?
Q4 What is access concentration?
Q5 What is best way to tame the chattering mind?
Q6 What is access concentration? Once we reach this stage, what shall we work on?
Q6 During lying down meditation I experienced rapture.
Q7 [Yogi describes experience of metta meditation.] Can you tell me why this happened?
Q8 How can I overcome the habit of compulsively lying?
6.06 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 5
Session 5: Buddhanusati
Q1 Is there always a repetition of the same world system as we read in “The Chronicles of the Buddha”? Q2 We read that the whole world will be Buddhist when the Maitreya comes, so what is the purpose of having a samasambuddha at that time? |
6.07 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 6
Session 6:
- The Nibbana Sutta - The Dhammachakka sutta |
6.08 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 7
Session 7: Q&A
Q1 What should I do to stop wandering thoughts? Q2 If we can enter the stream by listening to dhamma, why then meditate? Can we enter sotapanna only by listening to the dhamma? |
Q3 Some say Jesus is the future Maitreya. What’s your opinion?
Q4 How does insight arise?
Q5 Kindly advise on the way to notice the breath.
Q6 Can you elaborate why Yasas’ story gives you hope?
Q7 How should we make effective aspirations to reach nibbana?
Q8 When a person realizes nibbana does it mean they are an arahant
Q9 Why are we not encouraged to send metta to our spouse/ close partner?
Q10 [Although I see many mental things arising and ceasing,] in life I still experience physical pain. Why is this?
Q11 Is the feeling of metta the same for everybody?
Q12 Where is the Buddha? Where are all the buddhas?
Q13 If there is no self, why does one have to liberate one’s self?
Q4 How does insight arise?
Q5 Kindly advise on the way to notice the breath.
Q6 Can you elaborate why Yasas’ story gives you hope?
Q7 How should we make effective aspirations to reach nibbana?
Q8 When a person realizes nibbana does it mean they are an arahant
Q9 Why are we not encouraged to send metta to our spouse/ close partner?
Q10 [Although I see many mental things arising and ceasing,] in life I still experience physical pain. Why is this?
Q11 Is the feeling of metta the same for everybody?
Q12 Where is the Buddha? Where are all the buddhas?
Q13 If there is no self, why does one have to liberate one’s self?
6.09 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 8
Session 8: Q&A
Q1 In recent years the spark of life seems diminished. I am not sad, but not happy too. What is happening here? Q2 After transferring merit to other beings they come to ask for more. There are too many and it disturbs my sleep. What do you advise? |
Q3 Are you taking any devotees on pilgrimage in 2025?
Q4 My daily reflections on the 5 recollections and the 3 characteristics has brought a sense of vulnerability. How can I practice with this?
Q5 How do nibbida and viraga feel?
Q6 How does one handle remorse?
Q7 How does one seek forgiveness from someone who has passed away?
Q8 How does the process of contemplation leading to nibbida etc work when we practice metta?
Q9 [Yogi asks for an interpretation of a meditation experience.]
Q10 How do I stop prioritising others’ needs over my own?
Q4 My daily reflections on the 5 recollections and the 3 characteristics has brought a sense of vulnerability. How can I practice with this?
Q5 How do nibbida and viraga feel?
Q6 How does one handle remorse?
Q7 How does one seek forgiveness from someone who has passed away?
Q8 How does the process of contemplation leading to nibbida etc work when we practice metta?
Q9 [Yogi asks for an interpretation of a meditation experience.]
Q10 How do I stop prioritising others’ needs over my own?
6.10 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 9
Session 9:
Commentary on the Anattalakhana sutta 30 April 2024 |
6.11 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 10
Session 10:
More on nibbida and viraga 30 April 2024 |
6.12 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 11
Session 11: Q&A
Q1 Sometimes our mind just refuses to stay with the meditation object, for example breath. What do we do then? How do I sustain awareness in daily activities? Q2 May I know how to do death meditation? What is the difference between death and graveyard meditation? |
Q3 Is there a difference in the bad karma created if one has to remove ants and infestations in one's house out of necessity? Or if one does it having anger and irritation?
Q4 A few times during the sitting meditation in an aircon room or seated under a fan, my mind was aware this body feels very hot. What causes this to arise?
Q5 The Buddha instructs us to investigate. What is the difference between these three: This is not mine, I am not this, this is not myself.
Q6 How do I differentiate between thinking and contemplation?
Q7 In practicing metta I tend to send the mind outwards in all directions. Is it wrong to send the mind outwards?
Q8 What should I do when the mind becomes peaceful from metta meditation? Should I continue to spend metta or bring the attention back to the breath?
Q9 I think I'm from a hell realm as my mind can go into very dark places. Please help me to find the strength to continue on the path and those dark moments.
Q10 Can we trust this mind? Can this mind play us out? When we die will this mind follow us in life after life?
Q11 You mentioned that there were five black beings punching you in a hotel in India. Were they coming to get merit? Why can these beings still disturb monks following 227 precepts?
Q12 When meditating scenes are revolving. Am I supposed to note it and let it go? If it continues for a long time, how do I come back to the meditation?
Q13 Dipankara Buddha predicted that Sumedho would become Gautama Buddha. Did Gautama Buddha make any predictions about anybody becoming a future Buddha?
Q14 In one talk you mentioned about being the observer. Can you please elaborate on this?
Q4 A few times during the sitting meditation in an aircon room or seated under a fan, my mind was aware this body feels very hot. What causes this to arise?
Q5 The Buddha instructs us to investigate. What is the difference between these three: This is not mine, I am not this, this is not myself.
Q6 How do I differentiate between thinking and contemplation?
Q7 In practicing metta I tend to send the mind outwards in all directions. Is it wrong to send the mind outwards?
Q8 What should I do when the mind becomes peaceful from metta meditation? Should I continue to spend metta or bring the attention back to the breath?
Q9 I think I'm from a hell realm as my mind can go into very dark places. Please help me to find the strength to continue on the path and those dark moments.
Q10 Can we trust this mind? Can this mind play us out? When we die will this mind follow us in life after life?
Q11 You mentioned that there were five black beings punching you in a hotel in India. Were they coming to get merit? Why can these beings still disturb monks following 227 precepts?
Q12 When meditating scenes are revolving. Am I supposed to note it and let it go? If it continues for a long time, how do I come back to the meditation?
Q13 Dipankara Buddha predicted that Sumedho would become Gautama Buddha. Did Gautama Buddha make any predictions about anybody becoming a future Buddha?
Q14 In one talk you mentioned about being the observer. Can you please elaborate on this?
6.13 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 12
Session 12: Q&A
Q1 You mentioned that the utterance of the phrase “the unborn, unoriginated…” was the strong intuition of the Bodhisatta before he was enlightened. Why do you say that?
Q2 I heard Tan Ajahn Anan say we should try to chant the Itipiso 84,000 times. What Is the significance? Can it lead to liberation?
Q3 What are the key karmic aspects that led we women to be born as women and not as men?
Q4 What are the vipassana nyanas? How do they occur?
Q5 I’ve been practicing many methods of meditation and they all seem to work. But I understand we should use one method. How do I choose?
Q3 What are the key karmic aspects that led we women to be born as women and not as men?
Q4 What are the vipassana nyanas? How do they occur?
Q5 I’ve been practicing many methods of meditation and they all seem to work. But I understand we should use one method. How do I choose?
6.14 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 13
Session 13: Retreat Review
6.15 - Bandar Usama Buddhist Society: Session 14
Session 14: Closing
Ajahn describes how he encountered Buddhism and became a monk. The video is late starting as he describes his first retreat experience taught by S.N. Goenka in Australia.